What is a Shiatsu Massage?


What is a Shiatsu Massage? What benefits does it Provide?

Modern life is very hectic so we are full of tension, stress and fatigue most of our time. Among all these, stress, in particular, causes problems in both our physical and mental health.

A massage is more than just a way to relax. It can be a therapy that achieves a balance in our mind and body. But what kind of massage manages to achieve this? Shiatsu massage, as our title indicates, is one of the miraculous techniques capable of achieving this.

By moving the flow of energy in the body, healing of a physical or mental problem is obtained. The massage is very relaxing and pleasant, it has great benefits for our health in general. Today we tell you about its history, what its benefits are and what makes this massage different from the others.

What is a Shiatsu Massage

What Does Shiatsu Mean?

Shiatsu was properly created in 1920 in Japan, however its origins are much older. This is derived from a massage technique known as Amna, which in turn was inspired by Tui Na: the traditional Chinese massage.

Tui Na means "push, lift, and squeeze." Basically this was the practice of Chinese massage, where these actions were performed rhythmically throughout the body and the hands and fingers were used to knead, press, rub, roll, etc., the body.

Over time the Tui Na massage was refined with techniques to become Amna. Specifically, it was popularized by a seventeenth-century doctor and acupuncturist, with whom the shiatsu technique could be further specified.

In this manual, which although old, the shiatsu technique continues to resemble the massage we know today. Now that you know what shiatsu means, let's learn a little about the origins of the technique itself.

Origin of the Massage or Term Shiatsu

The shiatsu massage technique as we know it today has been perfected for years since the ancient Chinese Tui Na massage. But it would be in 1912 with Tokujiro Namikoshi, the first representative of this type of massage, that his story would begin.

Tokujiro at the age of 7 in 1912 developed a massage technique with the fingers, hands and palms himself. He used it to cure his mother's rheumatism and for the next several years he continued to practice the specialty.

However, the Japanese government required masseurs to be licensed in order to practice, so Tokujiro focused on the Amna technique formally to obtain his license in 1925.

Although the shiatsu massage technique originated in Japan, this massage has spread throughout the world, being one of the most popular today. But, exactly what does this massage consist of and what benefits does it bring us? Read on to find out.

What is the Shiatsu Mmassage?

In the same way as acupressure, shiatsu massage applies pressure to certain points on the body to stimulate them. It is said that these points can promote the flow of vital energy, known as "chi" in Asia, and provide healing or healing more easily.

In traditional Chinese medicine, blocking chi helps to improve a wide variety of diseases. And as we know, shiatsu has its origins in traditional Chinese massages, so when performing this technique, therapists use their fingers, thumbs, or even palms to apply deep pressure in a continuous sequence.

Specifically, the fingertips are the most used to exert pressure, which must be maintained for 2 to 8 seconds on the desired point.

Something you should know is that while they are pressing your body it should never hurt. On the other hand, you can feel some sensitivity, since the area is being stimulated, but it should never hurt. Some patients claim to feel a deep relaxation after feeling pain, which is why they characterize this experience as “good pain”.

The massaging technique is always performed on a massage table or on the floor on a thin mat. This massage can use sequences or rhythms similar to other types of massage, but does not use kneading oils.

What Defines the Shiatsu Technique?

Shiatsu therapists use their hands, elbows, knees, feet, and other parts of the body to manipulate pressure points. However, the fingertips are the special tool that emulates acupuncture to apply pressure.

The massage therapist may stretch or rotate the patient's thighs, joints, and extremities as part of the therapy.

The meridian points are 12 and represent 12 organs of our body:

  • Lung
  • Large intestine
  • Stomach
  • Spleen
  • Heart
  • Small intestine
  • Bladder
  • Kidney
  • Governor of the heart
  • Triple heater
  • Gallbladder
  • Liver

Mainly shiatsu is implemented for the healing and improvement of a great variety of ills. For example, it can stimulate blood flow, which in turn allows our body to cure itself of some diseases.

The most defended reason why shiatsu works is because after its application the person's body feels and looks different. This has been restored in some of the most important systems such as the circulatory and nervous systems.

Likewise, the production of endorphins increases and an improvement in the vitality of the person is noted. Blood pressure is also significantly reduced and muscle pain, tension and stress disappear almost completely.

The benefits of this massage can be many, but below we will tell you which are the most specific and which you will feel almost immediately after receiving your shiatsu massage.

What are the Benefits of Shiatsu Massages?

Vital energy according to traditional Chinese medicine runs through our entire body, addressing a wide range of conditions that we may suffer from. That is why shiatsu massage, by working on pressure points and stimulating said energy, can correct diseases, stress, pain and more :

  • Headache Relief

One of the things we know about shiatsu massage is that it helps us release endorphins, better known as natural painkillers. So it is not surprising that this technique is used to relieve headaches and migraines.

In fact, the technique used for this disease is so simple that we can do it ourselves.

  • Pain Relief

In general this type of massage can be used to relieve pain. By applying pressure to the exact point, you can reduce the perceived pain and feel a sensation of relaxation afterward. Many patients with fibromyalgia and some with diagnoses of muscular problems and related to skeletal pain have commented that they feel relief and improvement in their pain after shiatsu.

The pains that can be treated with shiatsu range from those caused by migraines to arthritis and osteoporosis.

  • Better Sleep Quality

This massage helps to improve the quality of sleep, since by reducing anxiety, tension and stress levels, people can achieve uninterrupted sleep, allowing them true physical rest.

  • Improves Mood

Relaxation hormones are released in our body thanks to physical contact. Putting pressure on our body decreases tension and increases relaxation linked to the secretion of endorphins. This in turn allows for a decrease in feelings of loneliness or depression, making our mind calm and more likely to feel happy with ourselves.

  • Fight Stress

Stress is one of the main factors that blocks our vital energy or chi, according to Asians. That is why the result of this is usually ailments and pains that weaken us. Shiatsu allows you to release all the accumulated tension and makes energy flow, dissolving stress to improve the state of our body in general.


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